24 november 2008
Gør brug af Windows tasten
Windows tasten og D: Viser Skrivebordet
Windows tasten og E: Åbner Windows Explorer/Stifinder
Windows tasten og F: Åbner et søge vindue
Windows tasten og G: Scoller gennem Sidepanelets gadgets
Windows tasten og L: Låser computeren
Windows tasten og R: Åbner Kør-vinduet
Windows tasten og T: Scroller gennem de åbne programmer i Proceslinjen
Windows tasten og U: Åbner Kontrolpanelet/Øget tilgængelighed
Windows tasten og X: Åbner Windows mobilitetscenter
Windows tasten og Tab: Starter Flip 3D (hvis grafikkortet understøtter dette og du har den rette Windows version)
Ctrl og Windows tasten og Tab: Starter Flip 3D og dette bliver fremme på Skrivebordet, så du kan skifte mellem de åbne applikationer med pilene eller musen
08 juli 2008
Slip af med Skærmtastaturet
12 marts 2008
Tips & tricks til Vista - nr. 12.
Det gøres her:
Kontrolpanel=>Standardprogrammer=>Knyt en filtype eller en protokol til et bestemt program.
Herefter er proceduren meget lig den i XP - man vælger den filtype man vil redigere og klikker i øverste højre hjørne på Rediger program...
24 januar 2008
SP1 og hvad så?
Jeg var faktisk i fuld gang med at skrive mine erfaringer ned, da jeg faldt over en hamrende god gennemgang af netop dette emne hos VERSION2. Så jeg har faktisk valgt at linke til denne gennemgang frem for at skrive éen selv.
Du finder artiklen her.
13 december 2007
Så skal der downloades - SP1 er klar i RC versionen
Du finder den her.
Jeg vil vende tilbage med mere info efterhånden som jeg har fået installeret og testet den.
Obs. Den fylder iøvrigt 548,5 MB så nogen rettelser må der da trods alt gemme sig i denne ServicePack ;-)
10 december 2007
Windows Genuine Advantage ændres med SP1
De vil ikke længere deaktivere programmer på Pc'en, men i stedet gøre tilværelsen ulidelig for dem der ikke anvender licenseret software.
Læs mere her:
WGA is changing with Vista SP1
Microsoft said late Monday it will roll out the new version of Windows Genuine Advantage with the first "service pack" for Windows Vista, due in the first quarter of 2008.
When computer users activate a copy of Windows Vista or try to download certain software from Microsoft's website, the Windows Genuine Advantage system scans their PCs for signs of pirated software. Today, if the tool finds an unauthorized copy of Vista, the glassy Vista user experience disappears and other features are suspended.
In the new version, PC users found to have a pirated copy of Vista will continue to be able to use their computers, but with unmistakable signs their operating system is a fake. The desktop wallpaper will turn black, and a white notice will appear alerting users to the problem. Each time they log in, they will be prompted to buy legitimate software, and every hour, a reminder bubble will appear on the screen.
Users with a high tolerance for irritation can put off switching to genuine software indefinitely, but those who relent and buy a real copy of Windows can do so at reduced prices — $119 for Windows Vista Home Premium, half the regular retail price.
SP1 til Vista nærmer sig med hastige skridt
Læs mere her:
Today we're making available the release candidate (RC) of Windows Vista SP1 via Microsoft Connect, and tomorrow subscribers to TechNet and MDSN will have access to those RC bits too. In addition, the RC will be available to the public next week via Microsoft's Download Center. The release candidate phase of beta software is typically the final phase before the RTM (release-to-manufacturing) of a product and indicates that the code has attained a significant level of performance and stability.
Let me call out several changes made since the Beta release of Service Pack 1 -- many of which came about as a result of direct feedback from our Beta-testing community (thank you!):
- The size of the standalone installers have decreased significantly. For example, the standalone installer packages consisting of all 36 languages (x86 and x64 chip architectures) are smaller by over 50%. The standalone installer packages consisting of just the 5 languages (again, x86 and x64) slated for initial release are more than 30% smaller in size.
- The required amount of disc space for SP1 installation has also decreased significantly. Furthermore, with the RC, if more space is required to install SP1, an error message will now display exactly how much space is needed to complete the installation.
- Previous SP1 versions left behind a directory of files that wasn't needed after installation and occupied about 1GB of space; the RC includes automatic disk clean-up to remove this directory.
- Installation reliability has been improved based on bug reports and error codes reported from Windows Update (thanks, Beta testers!). Testing shows that these improvements have significantly increased the proportion of successful installations of the RC.
- We've improved the user experience of installing SP1 via Windows Update. During the Beta release, users installed without much guidance from Windows Update. The RC now contains a series of screens with detailed information on SP1.
27 november 2007
Langsom Remote Desktop i Vista?
Problemet bunder i at den nye Remote Desktop klient er udstyret med en ny feature ved navn "auto-tuning for the TCP/IP receive window" - denne nye feature regulerer automatisk hastigheden baseret på forskellige målinger (meget mere om dette finder du her: http://blog.tmcnet.com/blog/tom-keating/microsoft/remote-desktop-slow-problem-solved.asp)
Det viser sig at denne nye feature kan være ensbetydede med en mærkbar RDP-hastighedsnedsættelse på visse netværk og derfor skal du selvfølgelig have at vide hvordan man slår det fra:
- Start Kommandopromten med Administrator rettigheder
- Skriv: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
Skulle du ønske på genaktivere denne feature på et senere tidspunkt så skriver du:
- Type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal